MyPark's innovative technology will help your property generate incremental revenue from premium parking spaces as an amenity for shoppers & guests. The technology is a fully automated reservation parking system with built-in enforcement.
Become a MyPark partner and offer a superior VIP experience for your customers, more value for merchants, and more revenue for your property. MyPark is a new way for customers to park at your property, where they want, when they want, without the frustration of driving around aimlessly looking for a parking space or waiting endlessly for the valet to arrive to take and return their car. And no tip required!

Shopping Malls

Parking Garages






Customer Value
MyPark is a mobile app that accesses a parking reservation device, allowing customers to upgrade their parking by getting a space where they want, when they want it. Now customers can quickly and easily secure a space near the store they want to visit with no hassle!
Simply tell the app where and when you would like to park and confirm your reservation. Once you arrive at your reserved space, just tap a button on your iOS or Android device and the unique MyPark reservation unit will lower to give you access. It’s that easy!
Great for your merchants
Great for your customers
Great for your property
MyPark is the perfect amenity to help increase guest satisfaction.
Property Value
For property owners and managers, the perception of reserved parking and creating
a better shopping experience for their customers is of incredible value.
Individual merchants can even reserve and pay for the most convenient spaces for their best customers, delivering recognizable value by providing preferred parking. Merchants simply purchase coupon codes from MyPark and distribute to customers. Their customers will love the ease of parking near the stores they love and merchants will reap the benefit by having customers enter by their storefront.
MyPark at your property lets customers know that they can easily get where they need to be without the normal hassles associated with parking. Not only does MyPark enhance your Mall’s shopping experience for customers, it gives you additional revenue by leasing spots previously not leased.
You can also use MyPark to Enforce universal charging stations at your property.